
This website provides you with general information that is true and accurate to the best of Clyth MacLeod Business Sales (CML) knowledge.

We advise you that:

Accuracy of information: While CML has taken all reasonable care to ensure the information on this website is accurate, errors and omissions may occur. We do not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy, error or omission in the website’s content, or for any loss caused to anyone from relying on that information. We may change, delete, add to or otherwise amend the information published on this website without notice.

Please note: all prices shown on this website are in New Zealand dollars.

No liability: CML does not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this website. Our company (including its owners, employees and agents) are not bound by any warranty, representation, collateral agreement or implied terms under the general law or imposed by legislation in relation to goods, services and other offers advertised on or purchased through our website. This does not prejudice your statutory rights.   

New Zealand law: The information on this website has been prepared to comply with, and is governed by, New Zealand law. It is only intended for use by persons within New Zealand’s jurisdiction. CML does not make any representation that the information on this website complies with the law in any other country.

Cybersecurity: Although we regularly update our cybersecurity and virus protection software, we do not guarantee that our website will be free from viruses or other malicious interference (such as spyware, malware, adware, ransomware and worms) that can damage your computer system and access your data.

Continuous access: We do our best to keep this website running smoothly. However, we do not guarantee that access to the website will be uninterrupted. We accept no liability for any loss caused by the website being temporarily unavailable either during its planned maintenance or due to technical or other issues beyond our control.

Copyright and IP: Unless otherwise indicated, all information on this website is the property of CML and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Unless stated otherwise, you may access and download the materials located on this website only for personal, or agreed upon commercial use. The website may contain a number of trademarks which are owned by CML or used with the permission of the registered trademark owner. Before using any material on this website that is identified as being subject to copyright of a third party, you must obtain authorisation to use or reproduce the material from that third party.